(VB) DNN 5 module development tutorial - part 6: The settings control

6. June 2010 02:52

To C# version

The settings control is used a bit differently from the view and edit controls. On the module settings page the standard settings are always shown. If you create and register a settings control it will be appended to the end of the standard settings and show up at the bottom of the page.
While the edit page is used to edit the content of the module, the settings page handles the behavior of the module.

In our scenario we will create a settings control where you can configure if the product description will be displayed or not. And yes, I know it’s a pretty lame example but at least it doesn’t clutter up what I am trying to show: the basics for creating a settings control.
‘Nuff said, let’s get to work.

Since the configuration of whether to show the product description or not is basically an on/off selection we will use a checkbox control. Open Settings.ascx and make the contents look like this:

<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="SipidCode.Modules.Products.Settings" Codebehind="Settings.ascx.vb" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="Label" Src="~/controls/LabelControl.ascx" %>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
        <td width="150"><dnn:Label ID="ShowDescriptionLabel" runat="server" ControlName="ShowDescription" Suffix=":"></dnn:Label></td>
        <td><asp:CheckBox id="ShowDescription" runat="server" /></td>

Now open Settings.ascx.vb. As you might remember from previous parts the view and edit controls inherit from PortalModuleBase. An important difference with the settings control is that it inherits from ModuleSettingsBase. If you are going to create your controls from scratch, don’t forget this.
ModuleSettingsBase inherits from PortalModuleBase and gives us members necessary for loading and updating settings for the module instance.
As you can see the templates have supplied us with overrides of the ModuleSettingsBase methods LoadSettings and UpdateSettings. Change them so they look like the following:

Public Overrides Sub LoadSettings()
  If (Not IsPostBack) Then
   If String.IsNullOrEmpty(CType(TabModuleSettings("ShowDescription"), String)) Then
    ShowDescription.Checked = True
    Dim show As Boolean
    If Not Boolean.TryParse(CType(TabModuleSettings("ShowDescription"), String), show) Then
     show = True ' Default to showing the description
    End If
    ShowDescription.Checked = show
   End If
  End If
 Catch ex As Exception
  ProcessModuleLoadException(Me, ex)
 End Try
End Sub

Public Overrides Sub UpdateSettings()
  Dim controller As New Entities.Modules.ModuleController
  controller.UpdateTabModuleSetting(TabModuleId, "ShowDescription", ShowDescription.Checked.ToString())
 Catch ex As Exception
  ProcessModuleLoadException(Me, ex)
 End Try
End Sub

No black magic here either. In LoadSettings we get the settings from the settings store and populate our controls (in our scenario we only have one checkbox).
In UpdateSettings we get the settings from the controls and stuff them back into the settings store.
Note that settings are only stored in string form, so you have to convert them to and from strings if they are other types (as our show description setting is a bool).

With the logic in place, let’s look at the resources for this control. Open Settings.ascx.resx in the App_LocalResources folder. Make it look something like this:

Settings control resource file

Here is what the different keys are used for:

ControlTitle_settings.Text: This is the section header text for your settings control.
ShowDescriptionLabel.Help: Tooltip text for the question mark icon by the Show description label.
ShowDescriptionLabel.Text: Text of the Show description label.
ModuleHelp.Text: When the Help link is clicked, this text is displayed.

And this is how your settings control will look in a moment:

Settings custom section

Just a couple of steps left until you can see it for yourself...
Now compile your project so we can go ahead and register the control.
In DotNetNuke, go to Host > Module Definitions. Locate Products in the list and click the edit icon. Scroll down to the Module Controls section and click Add Module Control.
Make the following settings, then click Update:

Settings control definition

Now go to the page where you added the Products module and click the settings icon. At the bottom of the settings page you should now see your settings control as the section with the header Product Settings.
If you play around with the Show description setting you will notice that the product list shows the description regardless of what you set. This, of course, is because we have not yet implemented any functionality in the view control that takes this setting into account.

To correct this, open up ViewProducts.ascx.vb. Locate the ProductList_ItemDataBound event handler and make it look like this (the green section of code is added):

Protected Sub ProductList_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewItemEventArgs) Handles ProductList.ItemDataBound
 If e.Item.ItemType = ListViewItemType.DataItem Then
  Dim prod As ProductsInfo
  prod = CType(CType(e.Item, ListViewDataItem).DataItem, ProductsInfo)

  If Me.PortalSettings.UserMode = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings.Mode.Edit Then
   Dim prodContainer As Panel
   Dim editLink As New HtmlAnchor

   prodContainer = CType(e.Item.FindControl("ProductContainer"), Panel)
   editLink.HRef = EditUrl("ItemId", prod.ItemId.ToString(), "EditItem")
   editLink.Style.Add("width", "16px")
   editLink.Style.Add("height", "16px")
   editLink.Style.Add("display", "inline-block")
   editLink.Style.Add("background-image", "url(" + DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.ApplicationPath + "/images/edit.gif)")
   editLink.Title = "Edit product"
   prodContainer.Controls.AddAt(0, editLink)
  End If

  ' Show description according to setting.
  Dim productDescription As Label
  Dim showDescription As Boolean

  productDescription = CType(e.Item.FindControl("ProductDescription"), Label)
  If Not Boolean.TryParse(CType(Settings("ShowDescription"), String), showDescription) Then
   showDescription = True
  End If
  productDescription.Visible = showDescription

 End If
End Sub

Compile the project again, the go and play with the setting again. The list should now display the description text only if the Show description checkbox is checked.

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DotNetNuke | Modules | Tutorials


7/30/2010 2:47:40 PM #


Thanks for the tutorial. I was wondering if I needed to use the DNN starter kit for this tutorial or if I could use the DNN Install version? Thanks again.

Billg United States |

7/31/2010 11:36:39 AM #


Take a look at part 1 of this tutorial series. There I talk about what you need to get started.

Johan Sweden |

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About the addict

Johan Seppäläinen lives in Uppsala, Sweden. He spends most of his days working as a systems architect/developer, specialized in solutions built on Microsoft platforms.
Occasionally there is time for some recreational coding, when he pursues optimal solutions and code zen, mainly in C#. When he is not writing in this blog, that is.